Books by Daryl Lamar Andrews

Heraldry & Faith (2023)

Ancient Origins of Armorial Bearings
and Their Links to Freemasonry

Heraldry & Faith is a magnificent work that provides great insight into the foundations of the art and history of heraldic representations. Heraldry is as ancient as the days. It is the system by which coats of arms and other armorial bearings are created and regulated. Lineage and faith are key factors in the creation of unique bearings. Many modern heraldic emblems, especially those in Freemasonry, have evolved from the ancient empires and maintain similar meanings to their ancient predecessors. The monuments which still survive to this date bear witness to this effect.

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Indignation (2023)

A Psychological Profile of the
Infamous John G. Jones

Many accounts of the rise and fall of the infamous John G. Jones have been authored providing a clear timeline of his activities since he joined the ranks of Freemasonry to his expulsion from legitimate Masonic organizations. While this work does provide more details from a historical perspective, it also provides new information from a psychological perspective. A personality profile has been incorporated to provide more insight into the mind of Jones himself. The profile helps to provide answers to questions regarding his ability to influence decisions that interrupted the entire diaspora of legitimate Freemasonry as well as the civic and political arenas during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. This book is a must read!

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Valiance (2015)

Dynamics of True Faith and Brotherhood
in a Changing World

Valiance provides a unique insight into the dynamics of faith and brotherhood. This work reviews the doctrines and practice of major religions and social organizations that are active across the globe today. Insight into the cultural influences that shaped the practices are also revealed in addition to the commonalities that exist between them. It is revealed that the common thread of charity extends through all. Despite structural differences in practices and doctrine, the focus on charity and mutual respect are the keys to peace in a changing world. Collaboration will be a key to moving forward. With these points in mind, this work encourages the reader to put his or her faith to work for the sake of all.

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Personification of Hope (2011)

A Legacy of National African American
Political Leadership

This work sheds new light on the elevation of African Americans to the highest political offices of the land. The election of the Honorable President Barack H. Obama to the Office of the President of the United States of America was accomplished on a road paved by the blood, sweat and tears of many African Americans including John Jones, Oscar De Priest and several others. The stances taken by these leaders were forged from the historic struggles of race relations in America. It was their common belief in the American Dream and efforts to secure their share of that dream that led to the rise of African Americans in the political arena.

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Masonic Abolitionists (2010)

Freemasonry and the Underground
Railroad in Illinois

Masonic Abolitionists provides a view of the Masonic Order which has rarely been seen. It identifies abolitionists as the founders of the first African American Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Illinois. This is a must-have book for all Masonic Historians.

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